A Tribute to Those who dedicated to GCL Career -----2018 Chinese New Year Address from GCL Chairman ZHU Gongshan



Dear members of GCL family,

As Chinese New Year is upon us, I would like to take this opportunity to greet you and offer you and your supportive families the best of wishes as you have strived toward innovation and worked hard to build up GCL this year.
Over the past couple months, GCL has held its 2018 work conferences and 2017 Recognition Ceremony, and annual work conferences have also been held for our various departments and industry fields. You have consistently held to GCL’s overall strategies and plans, working toward greater development and doing so through creative methods. You have embraced a new era, begun a new journey, and taken new steps.
As the saying goes, “Construction on a nine-storied tower begins at its base.” GCL’s pursuit of its dream began with a tough road, one step at a time. You have worked hard through this process and had your share of joy, sweat, and tears. Today, Chinese economy is in a critical transition period of reform, turning from one of high-speed growth to high-quality development, from a focus on quantitative expansion to structural optimization. The macro-environment, industrial environment, and competitive environment our economy faces will become more challenging, and thus, all companies must cast off the pursuit of barbaric growth and instead focus on quality.
The capacity to strive diligently is a GCL family heirloom. Good times are the outcome of tough times and hard work. We must hold to higher ideals, maintain greater passion, have a higher consciousness of reform and innovative spirit, and be more devoted, focused, and diligent than our competitors. Only by doing so will we turn GCL’s unique strengths and 28 years of outstanding experience within a variety of fields into a core competitive edge to drive us further and bring us greater stability.
With each new year come opportunities and risks. We must maintain a strong sense of crisis awareness, reset our performance scores to zero, and no longer dwell on our glories of the past. We must keep an attitude of gratefulness and take practical measures to promote sustainable development. We must thoroughly advocate the spirit of partnership in this new era, bringing together the combined strength of everyone at GCL so as to brave the storms that may come and build up the company as a team. We must rid ourselves of ideas that hamper development, be proactive in leaving our comfort zones, examine ourselves frequently, and continually transcend old achievements. We need to have the courage to deny ourselves, strive toward making GCL a world-class enterprise, hold to a self-discipline of iron, and execute our work with resolution as strong as steel. We must win our battles by cutting through hills that block our way, building bridges to cross rivers, and staying determined on the task of transition.
I am confident that with the guidance of the CPC and the Chinese government as well as the joint effort and “red genes” of our GCL family of 30,000, we will push green development further and thoroughly implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress, working toward creating a healthy, beautiful, clean environment for our homeland.
The new year is fast approaching. May our great nation enjoy prosperity and rise in strength, and may all of you at GCL be healthy, enjoy success at work, have happy families, and live wonderful lives!
I am extremely grateful for you and all your hard work!


ZHU Gongshan
Chairman of Golden Concord Group Limited